Dryads: Spirits of the Trees
Spirits are typically grouped by their source materials: whiskeys are distilled from grains, rum from sugarcane, brandies from fruits, and so forth. Now another category of spirits, ancient but underrecognized, is emerging in the global marketplace: those distilled from tree saps, which this book christens dryads. Dryads range from arrack, distilled from coconut palm sap in Sri Lanka; to ogorogo, distilled from raffia palm sap in Nigeria; to acerum, distilled from maple sap in Quebec. Each dryad has its own distinctive flavor profile and tradition; together, they are expanding the horizons of cocktail culture.
In this abundantly illustrated volume, Brian D. Hoefling—the critically acclaimed author of The Cocktail Seminars—explores the history, culture, and production of each of the major types of dryad. Through his extensive on-the-ground research, Hoefling also shows us how to enjoy these spirits, assembling some sixty outstanding cocktail recipes, each accompanied by a photo. Many of the recipes employ ingredients that the home bartender will have at hand, while others highlight unique local ingredients that serious mixologists will be eager to add to their repertoire. A companion web site details which dryad brands are available for purchase in each U.S. state.
Bringing together the strands of a cultural tradition that stretch from Sweden to Sri Lanka, from Bali to Benin, and from Manila to Montreal, this groundbreaking book will be an essential resource for cocktail enthusiasts and professionals alike.