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Botanica Magnifica Sale

Original price was: $135.00.Current price is: $40.50.
Botanica Magnifica Botanica Magnifica features 250 stunning photographs representing—in the words of an ARTnews critic—rare or exotic plants and flowers “in large scale

Cycle for Life Fashion

Original price was: $18.95.Current price is: $9.47.
Cycle for Life A comprehensive guide to cycling, Cycle for Life includes bike and gear basics, body fitness, nutrition and

The History of Paris in Painting Supply

Original price was: $235.00.Current price is: $70.50.
The History of Paris in Painting “Paris is a moveable feast,” Ernest Hemingway once proclaimed. The city of lights, or

The Weeping Goldsmith on Sale

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $18.00.
The Weeping GoldsmithIn the great tradition of Darwin’s Voyage of the Beagle, this book is a first-person narrative of daunting travel and