What The Golf – Nintendo Switch
The golf game for people who hate golf! WHAT THE GOLF? is a silly reinvention of golf that doesn’t care too much about rules, pars, eagles, or any of that. You get to hit things and they fly away with fun physics. It’s a goofy game that borrowed the shooting mechanic from golf but uses it for moving houses, driving cars, and golfing people. WHAT THE GOLF? isn’t just a question – it’s also a game that exploits, to excellent comic hijinx, the scientific principles of physics. In addition, it oh so poetically queries – why do we only golf using golf balls? Why not cars? Office chairs? Even horses or giraffes? This is one of those rare, brilliant and absolutely hilarious gameplay experiences that doesn’t just entertain, it reminds us that innovation comes in all forms, including via a surplus of whimsy. We dare you not to smile while trying to 9-iron a mobile home for a hole-in-one. WHAT THE GOLF has a wide range of different mini-game like levels that all have slightly different mechanics. Bring your car to the Driving Range, golf a bird to get a Birdy, or a house and get a Home In One!